How does thinking about the future relate to the present?
What does it mean to work together in a transdisciplinary team?

Can we really change the way we think?
Why is it so difficult to do anything about climate change?
How does collaboration lead to different questions/answers?

What is role can the arts play in approaching complex societal problems? What is the role of science?
How can artists and academics work together?
This collaboration was less structured than what I am used - usually we make clear arrangements and work towards a common goal. Now we did not have a clear end goal - it was open.

It was very open: there was no right or wrong way of doing things. This took the pressure off.

It's so open that you can't grade which island is better or more legit. You can talk and anything you say is ok.

I look foward to defining our own goals, our own criteria: what do I want to have at the end of this semester. To assess ourselves according to personal goals.

Transdisciplinary collaborations can mean that we cut the topic in pieces, learn from perspectives and also assess each other, give feedback. Have individual folders, and assess those.
Isn't that multidisciplinary?
It has to be based on common interests, we have to communicate. An active approach is needed.
I think about it practically: if, for example, you are making a movie you need to consider all aspects, and so many different people.
The Thousand Names of Gaia -
Isabelle stengers
Francesco's archive I created a website to show all my process during my study.
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