Hello there dear Explorer,

You do not know me and I do not exactly know you but that shall not be necessary for you to enjoy the knowledge and adventures ahead. You might be familiar with the subjects that are going to be tackled but if you are not, do not fear, anyone is welcome in the world of decay. As a matter of fact it is inevitable, to some extend of course.

You might be wondering why I wanted to build this story and share it with you.
Well, first of all because in my opinion it is a fascinating story to be told and far from everyone knows about it and where it all started. I took it upon myself to gather all the information I know and could find and place it in one location, to save you, dear reader, some time which is as we all know something so very precious.
Second of all because it might be more relatable than you might think at first glance. You could think it is all fiction... but is it really ? I don't want to spoil anything but I can tell you that some aspects are more real and closer than you may believe and are for sure scarier.

By creating this maze I want to shed a light on the fact that zombies and zombie stories aren't all about monsters that have come back from the dead to haunt and eat the living. Most of them, if not all, are actually linked to us, still living and breathing human beings, that believe that the apocalypse isn't already upon us and that we are safe from misery.

I do not want the following to be gloomy and dark, however if you are reading this at the beginning of the year 2021 this will not come as a surprise, as to whether or not we are struggling to survive in a real zombie apocalypse. You will tell me, that there are no rotting brainless bodies walking the streets and chasing you, nonetheless I shall advise you to think again and look closer to the facts. These nonsenses you are referring to are just products of the mass and common imagination.

Zombie tails are a mere reflection of our society and behaviour throughout the past years, and the many more to come. And so, how thin is actually the line between fiction and reality really ? Is there a real line to begin with ? These are some questions you might find the answer to by diving into this eerie world and make you look at yourself and your surrounding differently.

I do not want you to be frightened and desperate about the future to come even if it seems like it is already to late for some cases. Compared to the fictional stories where doom is inevitable, I strongly trust that there is a light at the end of the dreary tunnel, always.

I feel I have spoken enough now and will let you continue on and find out for yourself
Take care, Yours truly