Here both staff and students can add projects, sources, practices, and so on, that relate to transdisciplinarity.
Examples, inspiration
Going crazy by overthinking the world and its problems, especially during covid?
This 90 pg./6 euro book really helped me! :

"How to stay sane in an age of division" by Elif Shafak
For those interested in Education:

David Graeber's Anthropology for kids
Links Radical imagination:

Sexual violence doesn't start and end with rape
It starts in our books and behind our school gates
Men are scared women will laugh in their face
Whereas women are scared it's their lives men will take
Becoming a sentinal species
Becoming a Sentinel Species is an emerging research project, and a collaboration between Heather Leslie, Juan Garcia Vallejo and Sissel Marie Tonn. With the project pitch they won one of the 2020 BAD awards.

It will premiere on 11th of December at MU, Eindhoven. The exhibition runs till March 7th 2021.

Plastic pollution in the Earth’s oceans has become a part of marine species’ daily experience. These species act as sentinels, informing scientists who seek to understand the impacts of plastic in the field. Plastic pollution crisscrosses marine and terrestrial realms, and is likewise a part of the human experience. Nascent research indicates that tiny microplastic particles may also be entering the human “inner ocean” - the bloodstream.

Becoming a Sentinel Species is a fictional story imagining a future in which humans explore and reflect on the role of the sentinel as an eye witness to environmental pollution. The film follows two researchers who experimentally introduce microplastics collected from the sea into their own bodies. To test for dangers to humans, they isolate macrophages from the human artist’s blood and contaminate them with microplastics in a laboratory setting. The story takes a fictional turn as the protagonists start to incorporate speculative exo-organs. These bridge the external macrophage-microplastic encounters in the laboratory and the intimate, inner fluid workings of the body.

The story further speculates on the encounter in terms of our innate immune system with its ancient alarm signals, imagining that pollution may have profound neurophysiological consequences. The researchers experience a strong immunological alarm response, which awakens latent biological memories and hallucinations of our own watery origins in the primordial sea.

Becoming a Sentinel Species suggests an expanded awareness of our world and all its intertwined sentinels may trigger a reconnection with our shared deep past, enabling an exuberant multi-species coexistence on Earth. The human health impacts of microplastics are yet to be elucidated, but their presence in our bodies and surroundings is a potent reminder that we are not impenetrable entities, but rather fluid organisms - no more pure than the environments we co-create. We have, in a sense, always been sentinels.
Feral Atlas

Feral Atlas invites you to explore the ecological worlds created when nonhuman entities become tangled up with human infrastructure projects. Seventy-nine field reports from scientists, humanists, and artists show you how to recognize “feral” ecologies, that is, ecologies that have been encouraged by human-built infrastructures, but which have developed and spread beyond human control. These infrastructural effects, Feral Atlas argues, are the Anthropocene.

Playful, political, and insistently attuned to more-than-human histories, Feral Atlas does more than catalog sites of imperial and industrial ruin. Stretching conventional notions of maps and mapping, it draws on the relational potential of the digital to offer new ways of analyzing—and apprehending—the Anthropocene; while acknowledging danger, it demonstrates how in situ observation and transdisciplinary collaboration can cultivate vital forms of recognition and response to the urgent environmental challenges of our times.
td-net toolbox for transdisciplinary collaborations
The methods and tools offered by the td-net toolbox specifically focus on jointly developing projects, conducting research and exploring ways to impact in heterogeneous groups. They are intended to help shape collaboration between experts and stakeholders from science and practice in systematic and traceable ways.
The Ethics of Cultural Appropriation
By James O. Young, Conrad G. Brunk
"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking"
by Susan Cain
Sunspring is a short film writer by an AI, conceived by actor Oscar Sharp and NYU AI researcher Ross Goodwin.
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