What Neighborhood do you live in

Oude Charlois

Describe a problem you experience in your neighborhood 

The problem I personally experience in the neighborhood is that I do not feel safe walking alone around the neighborhood at night (for example from the bus stop to my house) as I often get stopped multiple times from people asking for money. Being stopped by random people triggers me (I have ptsd) and I tend to walk as fast as can with my head down and pretending to be with someone on the phone. I also often give them money if I have coins on me as I fear a bad reaction form them (especially if they are men) but also without being too friendly because I don’t want to send the "wrong message".

Describe how this problem could be solved in the future. (You can describe this using words, photos, videos whatever you’d like.)

I love my neighborhood as it is very diverse and multilingual and I do not want to see it being gentrified as to me that is not the way to fix problems (send them away somewhere so that you don’t see them) also because otherwise I would not be able to afford my apartment anymore. To me the problem is not “them” per se (I do think they should be able to get help, but not by forcing them or removing them from their environment), but me in the sense that I don’t feel safe, that is my problem.
As I was saying, to feel safe I pretend to be on a phone call (I usually call my husband but not always he or someone in my family is available, or I do not want to bother them, so I have to pretend). What if it existed an app in which you could give your availability to be “called” by women (or people in general) with ptsd or that just don’t feel safe walking alone?

How it works:

Select your city and neighborhood
Create an account (picture is encouraged but optional)
Availability: by checking the availability switch, you consent others to call you VIA THE APP (you do not give your number). You give the availability also in terms of time you can spend on the phone (5-10 minutes to 25-30 minutes)
Call someone. From the map you can select someone available for the time frame you need in the neighborhood to call when you walk alone.
Your exact location will be available to the receiver so that they can check live where you are at.
The exact location (home address) of the receiver will not be shown to you at any time.
Me and my twin brother at age 11
24 November 2020

Il mio vero stupratore, a reflection by Francesca Giunta
Presentation 14 December
Click here !
Project documentation and Reflection