In case you read (some of) the sci-fi stories, how did it make you feel?
Wich audience would benefit most from doing a social media detox?
In what other ways do you think we could have approached the topic of social media?

Thank you for the presentation! Really like how you created the video and the visualizations you made for it! I think the topic is supe relevant and interesting to reimagine, as I can almost not imagine a world without social media anymore. Regarding the process, I sometimes felt you were doing quite some things individually and it would have been nice to share a bit more on how you learned from each other, and how others their perspectives and disciplines had influence on the things you worked on separately.
Regarding where the project could go I think there are still a lot of things you could consider, so would be awesome if you guys continued! It would be interesting to really investigate what prevents you from not using social media, if this is desired, and how we could re-imagine this. What other methods do already exist that, or could exists, in order for it not be necessary to use social media? For the podcast, it would be nice to have various perspectives from expert on the topic, maybe people that already stopped using social media and their experiences and tips, maybe elders who were raised without social media and their experience, to share some ideas.
I think the younger generation would benefit most from a social media detox, as they are the ones who have grown up in a period where it was already so integrated in our lives, that it must be hard for them to imagine a world without.
Really nicely done overall!!
- Esmee
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